Leaving for England!

Leaving for England!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Post!

Hi all,
So this is all very new and exciting! I've never blogged before so bare with me! I will do my best to keep up with it! I leave for England tomorrow! So soon, and so much left to do. Packing, packing, and more packing! And then some unpacking of all the unnecessary items we all know will be present in my luggage.
I'm very excited and nervous, but it still hasn't hit me yet that I'm leaving for Europe so soon! I still feel like I have so much left to do and everything is still a bit stressful, but I'm looking forward to all the memories I will create!
Hopefully next time you are reading my blog, I will have happily arrived after an 8 hour plane ride and be in my new home for the next three weeks... or at least be packed!


  1. Hey Kelly,

    spero che tu abbia un tempo meraviglioso!!!

    Love ya, AM :)

  2. Hi kelly
    have a great time on your trip
    love ya
    uncle jim & aunt julie
